Make people answer your questions and help you achieve your goals.
Many search parameters can be used to query on questions created.
List contributions of users show the numbers of contributions of every user.
Click '...' next to 'create' button.
And click 'Create'.
Add description if you need to add more details to the question title. And Click 'Update Question'. Users can search for questions by typing a complete word to search for, and by using the search page : Advanced Questions For Confluence. This page is created automatically after the creation of the first question.
Any user can help by adding answers using the rich text editor. And readers can vote for the answer. Question creator can accept some answers by clicking 'Accept button'.
In space tools / Advanced Questions For Confluence. Administrators can query on questions created between 2 dates, get accepted or not accepted questions, and find unanswered questions.
Administrators can query on users contributions. Sort columns to find the most / least active users.